- Homepage
- Character Bio's
- Rules
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- Forum

- Avalanche
- Balamb/SeeD
- Esthar
- Galbadia
- Sephiroth & Followers
- ShinRA
- Zack's Delivery

Story so far...
- Cloud Strife's
- Laguna Loire's
- Sephiroth's
- Seifer Almasy
- Squall Leonhart
- Zack's

- Avalanche
- Balamb/SeeD
- Esthar
- Galbadia
- Sephiroth & Followers
- ShinRA
- Zack's Delivery

- Kadaj/Seifer


Link To Me



Copyright © 2006
Final Fantasy Universe

You must follow these rules, any rule breaking and you will be punished. First and foremost, this is an RP server, and we will stick to RP 24/7. Evan when there is not a big RP event going on, you will remain in character and RP properly. This means:

Server rules:

2) Do not ride Chocobo’s you have not bought
3) Do not steal chocobo’s
4) Do not use Weapons/Vehicles that are not yours
5) Use Blue chat or // ’s to indicate OOC
6) Do not insult others eg. Name calling etc.
7) Do Not Kill Chocobos

Forum Rules:

1) No spamming for gil
2) Again no insulting others
3) If someone needs help and u can give it, please do
4) If you have posted and ur post is wrong, or u have to add something onto ur post, please just edit it instead of posting again.
5) NO ONE but Zack, Squall and Seifer and the bio's maker may post in bio topics

If these these rules aren’t followed, you may be banned from the forums or ur posts will be deleted/gil will be removed

Colour Codes for RP:

1) ^2 (Green) = Normal RP chat, keep in mind you must be near the person to hear them talk..realistic RP!
2) ^3 (yellow) = An Action your character does eg. Picks up the bottle
3) ^4 (blue) = Out of Character(OOC) use this is your communicating to the server out of your character
4) ^5 (light blue) = Shouting eg. Erm, shouting to someone? :p
5) ^6 (Pink) = Communication through telephone or something. An announcement through speakers?
6) ^7 (White) = Your Characters thoughts. eg. I wonder whats happening


FFU Rules
Updated last: 16/8/06