Arias is rather tall and skinny, with long blonde hair and grey (so he says) eyes. He wears a long black coat and almost never takes it off. He also wears a bandage over his eyes because he doesn't trust his eyes.

Arias was abandoned as a Child in midgar. As an Outcast he trained and trained until the day he joined Avalanche and fought

with Cloud (and sometimes Zack) against Shinra and Sephiroth to prove that he isn't worthless after all. He always seems sad and tense, speaking mostly in short sentences. Whenever he does something wrong he begs for forgivnes, even if it isn't a big deal.

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Copyright © 2006
Final Fantasy Universe

Name: Arias Phel
Age: 21
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Fighting style: Arias uses copies of Vigalante and Vendetta made by Cloud. Sometimes fused together to create Alkaid.

Arias Phel

Updated last: 06/07/06