Siegfried was born in Balamb at the age of 12 he saw squall and the others go off to do their SeeD tests. He remebers the ships they went of in and how he wished he could be there. Seince that day he started to train using the blade as he main weapon. At the time the area was in a war with sourcer Edeas troops and the SeeD. Whilst he was traning he had a small one on one with an Galbadia rookie he manged to kill him but Siegfried had been hurt. In time he got his strength back and re-started his training after 3 years of non stop training he set out to find Squall and the others. He found squall on the train at midgar and thats were the story of Siegfried starts.
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Zack's Delivery
Kadaj (Ian Tennie)
Copyright © 2006
Final Fantasy Universe
Name: Siegfried